Video Tutorial: woman wl 2.mp4

Arms and Legs Fats Burn Workout
Weight Loss

260 calories in 1 hour

Some people separate upper- and lower-body workouts to perform on different days of the week. This way, you can rest one set of muscles while you exercise another and without skipping a single day at the gym. If you don't work out quite so regularly or want to feel the burn everywhere every time you strap on a sports bra, focus on compound exercises that engage multiple muscle groups at once. The moves below fit the bill: They work your arms and legs at the same time. Choose a few (or go ~*cRaZy~* and try them all), and perform two to three sets of up to 15 reps. 1. Jumping Jacks With Overhead Dumbbell Press: Hold a 3- to 5-pound dumbbell in each hand and stand with your feet together. Lift the dumbbells just above your shoulders with your palms facing forward. From this position, jump your feet apart as you simultaneously extend your arms straight up into a V shape. Jump back to start to complete one rep. 2. Alternating Curtsy Lunge With Bicep Curls: Grab a set of 5- to 10-pound dumbbells and hold them along your sides with your palms facing your body. Start with both feet together and your toes facing forward. From this position, lift your right foot and take a large step diagonally behind you. Keeping your front knee behind your front toes and your shoulders stacked over your hips, curl both weights up toward your shoulders as you simultaneously bend each knee to a 90-degree angle. Press into your front heel to come back up to stand with both feet together and facing forward, and release both weights along your sides. Complete a second bicep curl as you repeat the lunge on the opposite side, this time stepping backward with your left leg. Return to starting position to complete one rep. 3. Split Squat With Overhead Dumbbell Press: Grab a 1- to 3-pound dumbbell in each hand, and stand with your back to a rower with the rail to your right and your toes nearly in line with the back of the rower. The seat should be pushed all the way forward. Bring the weights just above your shoulders with your palms facing each other. Keeping your hips square and facing forward, reach your right foot behind you, and place your toes on the seat with your right heel in the air. Keeping your left knee behind your left toes, lower your body until your left thigh is parallel to the ground. As you come down, extend both arms straight up to bring the weights over your head. With control, lower the weights back to starting position as you push up through your left heel and come back up to stand. That's one rep. Do all your reps, then step over the rail, and do the same number with your right foot on the ground and your left toes on the seat. 4. Overhead Triceps Pulses: Grab a set of 3- to 5-pound dumbbells. Start with your feet together and a dumbbell in each hand with your palms facing each other. Lift your right foot off the ground and take a large step diagonally behind your left leg. Press the dumbbells together and bring them up over your head with your elbows bent about 90 degrees and stacked above your shoulders. Keeping your shoulders directly over your hips, bend both knees as you simultaneously lower your body and bring the weights down a few inches. Then, push up through your left heel and right toes to raise your body and the weights up a few inches. That's one rep. Perform all your reps, then switch legs and complete the same number on the opposite side.

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