Video Tutorial: woman hl 1.mp4

Wake Up Morning Energy Exercise
Healthy Lifestyle

112 calories in 1 hour

Start your day feeling on top of the world with this 5-minute bedroom workout combining strength and flexibility exercises. This routine from physiotherapist Nick Sinfield starts with some gentle in-bed tension-releasing stretches and finishes with a series of energising power moves. Try to do this workout every morning to burn calories, ease away aches and pains, boost your mood and feel more alert. Extend your arms over your head, feeling your body stretch from your toes to your fingertips. Take 3 to 4 deep, relaxing breaths. Bring 1 knee to your chest, keeping the other leg bent. Do not raise your head or tense your neck. Take 3 to 4 deep, relaxing breaths, feeling the stretch in your buttocks and lower back. Repeat with the opposite knee.Grasp 1 leg and pull it towards you, then straighten it as far as comfortable. Keep the other leg flat or bent on the bed. Take 3 to 4 deep, relaxing breaths, feeling your hamstring lengthen. Repeat with the opposite leg.Bring both knees to your chest and gently grasp your legs. Do not raise your head or tense your neck. Take 3 to 4 deep, relaxing breaths, feeling the stretch in your buttocks and lower back.Slowly roll your knees to 1 side, keeping them together and ensuring both shoulders remain in contact with the bed at all times. Take 3 to 4 deep, relaxing breaths, feeling the stretch in your lower back. Repeat on the opposite side.With your feet parallel and shoulders back and down, rotate your upper body to 1 side as far as comfortable without moving your hips. Repeat 6 to 8 times on both sides, taking a deep, relaxing breath on each side to release stiffness in your lower back.

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